Monel 400 seamless tube


Monel 400 seamless tube is a nickel-copper alloy tube made from a combination of nickel and copper. It is corrosion resistant and very strong, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications, including heat exchangers, condensers, and pressure vessels. Monel 400 seamless tube is available in a variety of sizes and wall thicknesses, and can be customized to meet the needs of your project.

Monel 400 alloy (UNS N04400 or MCu-28-1.5-1.8 or Ni68Cu28Fe) is a nickel-based alloy material with good corrosion resistance in seawater, chemical solvents, ammonia sulfur chloride, hydrogen chloride, various acidic media such as sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, organic acid, alkaline media, salt and molten salt.

The Monel 400 is mainly used in chemical and petrochemical industries and Marine development. Can be used to manufacture all kinds of heat exchange equipment, boiler feed water heaters, petroleum and chemical pipelines, containers, towers, tanks, valves, pumps, reaction kettle, shaft, etc.

ASTM B 164 (rod, thread), ASTM B 564 (forgings), ASTM B 127(plate, strip), ASTM B 165 (Seamless pipe).

Export Australia Monel 400 seamless tube

Specifications :OD12*WT1.56*6000mm
Quantity :140 pieces
Standard: ASTM B 165

Monel 400 seamless tubeMonel 400 seamless tubeMonel 400 seamless tubeMonel 400 seamless tube

Monel 400(UNS N04400, NCu30) Monel 400 alloy is a high strength single phase solid solution structure, it is one of the most used, the most versatile, excellent overall performance of the corrosion resistant alloy. The alloy has excellent corrosion resistance in hydrofluoric acid and fluorine gas medium, and also has excellent corrosion resistance to hot concentrated lye. At the same time also resistant to neutral solution, water, seawater, atmosphere, organic compounds and other corrosion. An important feature of the alloy is that it does not produce stress corrosion cracks and has good machinability.

Application areas of Monel 400 are:

Monel400 alloy is a versatile material with many industrial applications:

1. Seamless water pipes and steam pipes in power plants

2. Seawater exchanger and evaporator

3. Sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid environment

4. Crude oil distillation

5. Use the pump shaft and propeller of the equipment in seawater

6. The nuclear industry uses equipment for uranium extraction and isotope separation

7. Manufacture pumps and valves for hydrochloric acid production equipment

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